Our first house concert featured Seattle singer-songwriter Linda Waterfall and Portland finger-style guitarist Anton Emery. The event was videotaped by Vaun Raymond of Seattle. Vaun recorded the following six videos of Linda’s set. We present these in memory of Linda, who passed away January 8, 2019. Her splendid talent and generous personality will be missed.
Family Holiday: Every family has issues. Here, set to the traditional melody for “The Riddle Song,” is Linda Waterfall’s song about a family’s tribulations at holiday time.
Song for Jane: Written for Jane Austen, who lived “facing a world that oppresses women…finding a way to tell [her] story…written for a Bushwick Club concert; the subject was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.”
Calling the Spirits: Linda noted this song “began with the rhythm the ferry makes as the metallic body resonates the engine rotation, and developed through the addition of harmonic overtone singing and meditation practice.”
Fly Hawk Fly: Harmonies by Marc Hoffman, Tina Blade, and Robin McGillveray. Linda wrote that this song was “resembling my prayers for our healing, all of us, and the planet.”
With a Little Help from My Friends: Linda’s cover version of the popular song from the Beatles’ Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Love Out of Nowhere: Linda wrote, “[This song] began its journey with me when I was camping out in Zion National Park.”